Causes of Dupuytren`s-Contracture-Progression

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Dupuytren`s contracture is a condition that involves the thickening and tightening of the tissue beneath the skin in the hand and fingers. This condition is usually progressive and may cause the fingers to bend toward the palm, making it difficult to grasp and hold objects. Although the exact cause of Dupuytren`s contracture is still unknown, there are several factors that may contribute to the progression of the condition.


One of the primary causes of Dupuytren`s contracture progression is genetics. This condition tends to run in families, which suggests that there may be a genetic component to it. If someone has close relatives who have Dupuytren`s contracture, they are more likely to develop it themselves. Research has identified certain genes that may be associated with an increased risk of Dupuytren`s contracture, including the TGF-beta receptor and HLA-DRB1.


Dupuytren`s contracture is more common in older adults. The condition tends to progress more rapidly in older individuals, and it may affect multiple fingers. The age-related decline in collagen production and elasticity may contribute to the development and progression of Dupuytren`s contracture.


Men are more likely than women to develop Dupuytren`s contracture. This might be due to hormonal differences or differences in the way that the connective tissue in the hand changes over time.

Lifestyle factors

Certain lifestyle factors may also contribute to the progression of Dupuytren`s contracture. Smoking has been identified as a risk factor for the condition, and it is believed that this may be due to its impact on blood flow to the hand. Alcohol consumption may also increase the risk of Dupuytren`s contracture, as it can disrupt the normal metabolism of collagen in the hand.

Medical conditions

Several medical conditions may increase the risk of developing Dupuytren`s contracture or contributing to its progression. These include diabetes, thyroid disorders, and liver disease. The presence of these conditions may alter the way that the body processes collagen, which could lead to an increased risk of Dupuytren`s contracture.


In some cases, injury to the hand or fingers may trigger the development of Dupuytren`s contracture or cause it to progress more rapidly. Trauma or repetitive stress injuries may cause inflammation and changes in tissue that ultimately lead to the condition.

In conclusion, while the exact cause of Dupuytren`s contracture is not yet known, there are several factors that may contribute to its progression. These include genetics, age, gender, lifestyle factors, medical conditions, and injury. By understanding these risk factors, individuals with Dupuytren`s contracture can take steps to manage the condition and maintain optimal hand function.